Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Souris, PEI 3 harbor #119 - 184

MARNE 35 # 119

July 24, 2011

Souris, PEI -Prince Edward Island, Canada

Souris 2 Souris Harbor

Souris... pronounced Sore- - ee is a maginficent place on the East end of Prince Edward Island - PEI.

The ferry / ship -- MV Madeleine -- that runs daily to the Iles de las Madeleine.... about 75 miles due North in the middle of the Gulf of St Lawrence is about to leave port and put to sea. To get some better / different pix walk over to the adjacent city warf / docks / piers.

Mostly local fishing boats, this is a working harbor. A few pleasure boats .... mostly fishers. Several fishing boats are preparing to head out ; crews are making ready, some already leaving port to fish. Life is ruled by the tides

Souris is a really neat looking and interesting harbor. A lot of boats. Fishery warehouses / seafood processors and businesses. Wind is about 25+ today. Sea air. Cool , Bright sun, some clouds... Red and white Souris lighthouse up on that red sandstone point... 200' overlooking the harbor .... A beautiful day on Souris harbor.

Walked through the warf / docks to get a better view of MV Madeleine leaving port. The Canadian Coast Guard has a post / boat here, looks squared away and ready to go on a moments notice. Thanks coasties for standing that post!

T-bird gets out the fishing equipment and in about 30 minutes has caught a half dozen mackerel; enough for supper tonight. Stuff like this makes it fun to wander.

The days plan is to make it to Red Point. we'll see. ... we've already stuck around to see all the interesting things that's going on here, and fished some. Eventually will get to East Point lighthouse; the North Easternmost tip of PEI. Also see Red Point / Stanhope - Brackley - Dalvay / East Point posts

Up on the point at the lighthouse... the view of Souris harbor is really good.

MARNE 35 # 119

July 24, 2011

Souris, PEI -Prince Edward Island, Canada

Souris 2 Souris Harbor

Souris... pronounced Sore- - ee is a maginficent place on the East end of Prince Edward Island - PEI.

The ferry / ship -- MV Madeleine -- that runs daily to the Iles de las Madeleine.... about 75 miles due North in the middle of the Gulf of St Lawrence is about to leave port and put to sea. To get some better / different pix walk over to the adjacent city warf / docks / piers.

Mostly local fishing boats, this is a working harbor. A few pleasure boats .... mostly fishers. Several fishing boats are preparing to head out ; crews are making ready, some already leaving port to fish. Life is ruled by the tides

Souris is a really neat looking and interesting harbor. A lot of boats. Fishery warehouses / seafood processors and businesses. Wind is about 25+ today. Sea air. Cool , Bright sun, some clouds... Red and white Souris lighthouse up on that red sandstone point... 200' overlooking the harbor .... A beautiful day on Souris harbor.

Walked through the warf / docks to get a better view of MV Madeleine leaving port. The Canadian Coast Guard has a post / boat here, looks squared away and ready to go on a moments notice. Thanks coasties for standing that post!

T-bird gets out the fishing equipment and in about 30 minutes has caught a half dozen mackerel; enough for supper tonight. Stuff like this makes it fun to wander.

The days plan is to make it to Red Point. we'll see. ... we've already stuck around to see all the interesting things that's going on here, and fished some. Eventually will get to East Point lighthouse; the North Easternmost tip of PEI. Also see Red Point / Stanhope - Brackley - Dalvay / East Point posts

Up on the point at the lighthouse... the view of Souris harbor is really good.

North Lake Harbor, PEI 36 #181

MARNE 36 # 181

Monday July 25, 2011

North Lake Harbor, PEI monument to sailors

Heading west now on Hwy 16. North shore of Prince Edward Island - PEI the ocean is the Northumberland straight.

Driving through the PEI countryside is absolutely beautiful. The ocean, the Northumberland Straight on the North / right side... family farms and dairies are picturesque. 2 lane road, NO traffic. It's a pleasant drive.

We come up on a wind turbine farm. A half dozen wind turbines cranking away. A really unique sight. Bery progressive thinking to harness this energy. What a place!

Side track road to the shore. North Lake Harbor... a bridge over the inlet to the lake... it's ocean salt water. Rows of lobster traps are marked by their distinc colors of the individual fishermen. Another maritime village whose life is ruled by the tides.

Walked up on the bridge for a good view of the harbor and inlet to the lake. Magnificent! A simple fishing village... a working village. Fishermen here have gone to the sea for centuries. Hard working, rugged people. Rugged families! Life ruled by the tides and seasons.

The fishing season is " in between" right now. They will go out soon.

Near the bridge is a monument / memorial. All over the maritimes, in all of these small towns are monuments/ memorials to the many sailors , fishermen, and travellers claimed by the sea. This one honors the families and sailors / fishermen 2 centuries ago.

It's a hearty folk that puts to the sea.

MARNE 36 # 181

Monday July 25, 2011

North Lake Harbor, PEI monument to sailors

Heading west now on Hwy 16. North shore of Prince Edward Island - PEI the ocean is the Northumberland straight.

Driving through the PEI countryside is absolutely beautiful. The ocean, the Northumberland Straight on the North / right side... family farms and dairies are picturesque. 2 lane road, NO traffic. It's a pleasant drive.

We come up on a wind turbine farm. A half dozen wind turbines cranking away. A really unique sight. Bery progressive thinking to harness this energy. What a place!

Side track road to the shore. North Lake Harbor... a bridge over the inlet to the lake... it's ocean salt water. Rows of lobster traps are marked by their distinc colors of the individual fishermen. Another maritime village whose life is ruled by the tides.

Walked up on the bridge for a good view of the harbor and inlet to the lake. Magnificent! A simple fishing village... a working village. Fishermen here have gone to the sea for centuries. Hard working, rugged people. Rugged families! Life ruled by the tides and seasons.

The fishing season is " in between" right now. They will go out soon.

Near the bridge is a monument / memorial. All over the maritimes, in all of these small towns are monuments/ memorials to the many sailors , fishermen, and travellers claimed by the sea. This one honors the families and sailors / fishermen 2 centuries ago.

It's a hearty folk that puts to the sea.

East Point, PEI 36 # 182

MARNE 36 # 182

Monday July 25, 2011

East Point, PEI Prince Edward Island, Canada

Started out from Red Point this am. Strong black Marine Corps coffee and ready to go.

Taking a counter- clockwise route, I like these better when I have the option. Most traffic seems to run clockwise... so there's less traffic in front / of me - and behind - and I like that better. Also it's travelling with the Sun today. A short run north to see the lighthouse at East Point, then head west. Will cover some good daylight miles today. And it's a good view of the ocean.

Heading north, at Basin Head saw a Bald Eagle. WOW !

Then a short run north to East Point. This is THE most eastern point on PEI. This is the end of the line.

The sky is really blue. 60* and wind about 15 feels cool. Visability is at lease 50 miles as I can see Cape Breton Island to the East. Last week driving the Cabot Trail on Cape Breton.... could see the faint sighting of Land Ho to the west.. was PEI here at East Point. There were several seals off the point. The MV Madeliene is heading back to Souris. also see Souris post--

From here it's sail north around Cape Breton -- into the Cabot Straight -- Newfoundland to the north.... then it's the Atlantic / North Sea.

In the lighthouse building there was a map on the wall of all the shipwrecks of PEI. There were a LOT of ship sinkings marked going back centuries.

It's beautiful, peaceful, and quiet... serene.... now. Today. for the moment. Fog can form and move in quick. The seas can change quick. This lighthouse has served as a navigational point for 144 years in this strategic location. No telling how many sailors steered back home using this point. There are sure many that did not come back alive here where the tides rule life.

There are a lot of ships marked on that map. All over the maritimes, in all of these small towns are monuments/ memorials to the many sailors , fishermen, and travellers claimed by the sea.

The weather can turn quick up here. and often turns bad. Glad to see this today.

MARNE 36 # 182

Monday July 25, 2011

East Point, PEI Prince Edward Island, Canada

Started out from Red Point this am. Strong black Marine Corps coffee and ready to go.

Taking a counter- clockwise route, I like these better when I have the option. Most traffic seems to run clockwise... so there's less traffic in front / of me - and behind - and I like that better. Also it's travelling with the Sun today. A short run north to see the lighthouse at East Point, then head west. Will cover some good daylight miles today. And it's a good view of the ocean.

Heading north, at Basin Head saw a Bald Eagle. WOW !

Then a short run north to East Point. This is THE most eastern point on PEI. This is the end of the line.

The sky is really blue. 60* and wind about 15 feels cool. Visability is at lease 50 miles as I can see Cape Breton Island to the East. Last week driving the Cabot Trail on Cape Breton.... could see the faint sighting of Land Ho to the west.. was PEI here at East Point. There were several seals off the point. The MV Madeliene is heading back to Souris. also see Souris post--

From here it's sail north around Cape Breton -- into the Cabot Straight -- Newfoundland to the north.... then it's the Atlantic / North Sea.

In the lighthouse building there was a map on the wall of all the shipwrecks of PEI. There were a LOT of ship sinkings marked going back centuries.

It's beautiful, peaceful, and quiet... serene.... now. Today. for the moment. Fog can form and move in quick. The seas can change quick. This lighthouse has served as a navigational point for 144 years in this strategic location. No telling how many sailors steered back home using this point. There are sure many that did not come back alive here where the tides rule life.

There are a lot of ships marked on that map. All over the maritimes, in all of these small towns are monuments/ memorials to the many sailors , fishermen, and travellers claimed by the sea.

The weather can turn quick up here. and often turns bad. Glad to see this today.