Tuesday, October 18, 2011

North Lake Harbor, PEI 36 #181

MARNE 36 # 181

Monday July 25, 2011

North Lake Harbor, PEI monument to sailors

Heading west now on Hwy 16. North shore of Prince Edward Island - PEI the ocean is the Northumberland straight.

Driving through the PEI countryside is absolutely beautiful. The ocean, the Northumberland Straight on the North / right side... family farms and dairies are picturesque. 2 lane road, NO traffic. It's a pleasant drive.

We come up on a wind turbine farm. A half dozen wind turbines cranking away. A really unique sight. Bery progressive thinking to harness this energy. What a place!

Side track road to the shore. North Lake Harbor... a bridge over the inlet to the lake... it's ocean salt water. Rows of lobster traps are marked by their distinc colors of the individual fishermen. Another maritime village whose life is ruled by the tides.

Walked up on the bridge for a good view of the harbor and inlet to the lake. Magnificent! A simple fishing village... a working village. Fishermen here have gone to the sea for centuries. Hard working, rugged people. Rugged families! Life ruled by the tides and seasons.

The fishing season is " in between" right now. They will go out soon.

Near the bridge is a monument / memorial. All over the maritimes, in all of these small towns are monuments/ memorials to the many sailors , fishermen, and travellers claimed by the sea. This one honors the families and sailors / fishermen 2 centuries ago.

It's a hearty folk that puts to the sea.

MARNE 36 # 181

Monday July 25, 2011

North Lake Harbor, PEI monument to sailors

Heading west now on Hwy 16. North shore of Prince Edward Island - PEI the ocean is the Northumberland straight.

Driving through the PEI countryside is absolutely beautiful. The ocean, the Northumberland Straight on the North / right side... family farms and dairies are picturesque. 2 lane road, NO traffic. It's a pleasant drive.

We come up on a wind turbine farm. A half dozen wind turbines cranking away. A really unique sight. Bery progressive thinking to harness this energy. What a place!

Side track road to the shore. North Lake Harbor... a bridge over the inlet to the lake... it's ocean salt water. Rows of lobster traps are marked by their distinc colors of the individual fishermen. Another maritime village whose life is ruled by the tides.

Walked up on the bridge for a good view of the harbor and inlet to the lake. Magnificent! A simple fishing village... a working village. Fishermen here have gone to the sea for centuries. Hard working, rugged people. Rugged families! Life ruled by the tides and seasons.

The fishing season is " in between" right now. They will go out soon.

Near the bridge is a monument / memorial. All over the maritimes, in all of these small towns are monuments/ memorials to the many sailors , fishermen, and travellers claimed by the sea. This one honors the families and sailors / fishermen 2 centuries ago.

It's a hearty folk that puts to the sea.