Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Stanhope, PEI Brackley - Dalvay #108

MARNE 36 #108

You never drink twice from the same stream.

Copyright MMXV ALL StoneBearTracks blog posts and photographs  ALL Rights reserved

Monday July 25, 2011

Stanhope, PEI Brackley - Dalvay National Park

Prince Edward Island, Canada North shore of the Northumberland Straights

Prayers for Sons

I've walked around the Sun 60 times in this life on earth. Seen many sunsets; some really fantastic... beyond description. The most spectacular,... most sureal.... was here.

Arriving here late in the day... after a drive on the Eastern end of Prince Edward Island which got to see a Bald Eagle... I thought it couldn't get better for a 60th birthday. ohhhhh it gets better.

At 6pm, we grab the LAST campsite at the Brackley - Dalvay national park. None of this is planned, so I take this as a blessing.

for an initial --scout out-- head down to the beach. To take a walk w/ T-bone on the beach. At this age... I stop and wade in every river, stream,... surf. --- a walk on the North ocean shore of the Northumberland straights-- is a no brainer. Walking in the surf is life at it's best.

Back to campsite #48 , start grilling chicken. BBQ chicken for a Southern boy is natural. I smoke the park w/ a smell that has them walking by and rubbernekking; I know I've done good at this point. T-bone fixes some bread and parmesean cheese in olive oil snack... she's good at this.

Through the trees I can see the pinks starting. T-bone; get your camera and come on; it;s time. I put chicken on the side away from the heat, cover and let it simmer in the smoke.

Head down to the shore again. Prince Edward Island- PEI- has a 20' embankment of red sandstone... eroding in a millenia of time. Walking along the ocean shore is great. 3 -4' waves on the beach... really beautiful as the sun goes down. forming some really unique colors.

While waiting a few minutes for the clouds to change in the setting sun..... over on the beach I find a makeshift cross w/ a circle w/ RIP drawn in the red sand. Someone has grieved enough to set a cross in this magnificent place. ... to honor a passed friend.

I say many prayers on these journeys; most in isolated , desolate , pristine places. Now is the time.

I walk around and find some rocks; not just any rocks. The geologist in me picks rocks that reflect / capture the spirit of the Sons and friends passed away. so I search and place a rock for each at the foot of the cross.... and say a prayer for their peace, for the grace, for them,... for their mothers and fathers,.... for grace to find their soul and soften their ride in this great journey. ... and for the grace for us. to be patient 'til we meet up.

Curt, Mark, Dad, Lee, Grampa, Dan, Olin, Pat, Skip, Neil, Marvin, Dave, Malcolm, Mildred, Don, Cliff, Ted, George, Mary Ann, Jim, Raymond, Phil, ... too many to list; too many gone.

Prayers said for your grace in your journey--- for the families, mom & dads, brothers/ sisters, aunts/ uncles,... for all that loved them, and will always love them.... we set a rock for you today in this beautiful place and know you bring this sunset to us.... for us to find our peace. We miss you dearly! and will always love you.

They did not die; they just went on ahead,... and they came through here.

You never drink twice from the same stream. God is great!

You never drink twice from the same stream.

Copyright MMXV ALL StoneBearTracks blog posts and photographs  ALL Rights reserved

MARNE 36 #108

You never drink twice from the same stream.

Copyright MMXV ALL StoneBearTracks blog posts and photographs  ALL Rights reserved

Monday July 25, 2011

Stanhope, PEI Brackley - Dalvay National Park

Prince Edward Island, Canada North shore of the Northumberland Straights

Prayers for Sons

I've walked around the Sun 60 times in this life on earth. Seen many sunsets; some really fantastic... beyond description. The most spectacular,... most sureal.... was here.

Arriving here late in the day... after a drive on the Eastern end of Prince Edward Island which got to see a Bald Eagle... I thought it couldn't get better for a 60th birthday. ohhhhh it gets better.

At 6pm, we grab the LAST campsite at the national park. None of this is planned, so I take this as a blessing.

for an initial --scout out-- head down to the beach. To take a walk w/ T-bone on the beach. At this age... I stop and wade in every river, stream,... surf. --- a walk on the North ocean shore of the Northumberland straights-- is a no brainer. Walking in the surf is life at it's best.

Back to campsite #48, start grilling chicken. BBQ chicken for a Southern boy is natural. I smoke the park w/ a smell that has them walking by and rubbernekking; I know I've done good at this point. T-bone fixes some bread and parmesean cheese in olive oil snack... she's good at this.

Through the trees I can see the pinks starting. T-bone; get your camera and come on; it;s time. I put the chicken on the side away from the heat, cover and let it simmer in the smoke.

Head down to the shore again. Prince Edward Island- PEI- has a 20' embankment of red sandstone... eroding in a millenia of time. Walking along the ocean shore is great. 3 -4' waves on the beach... really beautiful as the sun goes down. forming some really unique colors.

While waiting a few minutes for the clouds to change in the setting sun..... over on the beach I find a makeshift cross w/ a circle w/ RIP drawn in the red sand. Someone has grieved enough to set a cross in this magnificent place. ... to honor a passed friend.

I say many prayers on these journeys; most in isolated , desolate , pristine places. Now is the time.

I walk around and find some rocks; not just any rocks. The geologist in me picks rocks that reflect / capture the spirit of the Sons and friends passed away. so I search and place a rock for each at the foot of the cross.... and say a prayer for their peace, for the grace, for them,... for their mothers and fathers,.... for grace to find their soul and soften their ride in this great journey. ... and for the grace for us. to be patient 'til we meet up.

Curt, Mark, Dad, Lee, Grampa, Dan, Olin, Pat, Skip, Neil, Marvin, Dave, Malcolm, Mildred, Don, Cliff, Ted, George, Mary Ann, Jim, Raymond, Phil, .... too many to list; too many gone.

Prayers said for your grace in your journey--- for the families, mom & dads, brothers/ sisters, aunts/ uncles,... for all that loved them, and will always love them.... we set a rock for you today in this beautiful place and know you bring this sunset to us.... for us to find our peace. We miss you dearly! and will always love you.

They did not die; they just went on ahead,... and they came through here.

You never drink twice from the same stream. God is great! 

You never drink twice from the same stream.

Copyright MMXV ALL StoneBearTracks blog posts and photographs  ALL Rights reserved