Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Dalvay by the Sea 37 #221

MARNE 37 # 221

Tuesday July 26, 2011

Dalvay by the Sea

If you ever wondered how the rich live... this is the place. From an emigrant that climbed to the top of Standard Oil in the 1890s... and wanted a beach house... to summer at the beach..... this is the place.

The coast of the North umberland shore is captivating..... paralyzing - ly beautiful and serene. To linger at the beach and enjoy the surf on Prince Edward Island... the pinnacle of summer leiesure... you come here. Or build your Summer home. What a life !!! ?What better way to get away from the toils of life than to be here. .... and to build a Summer home. Summer back in the states were a swealter before air conditioning ... to play in the waves of PEI in the summer of a cool ocean breeze.

This is a magnificent building... resort... of history. What a place to be secluded and refresh your soul for a few months.

It's good to be the King !

MARNE 37 # 221

Tuesday July 26, 2011

Dalvay by the Sea

If you ever wondered how the rich live... this is the place. From an emigrant that climbed to the top of Standard Oil in the 1890s... and wanted a beach house... to winter... maybe summer at the beach..... this is the place.

The coast of the North umberland shore is captivating..... paralyzing - ly beautiful and serene. To linger at the beach and enjoy the surf on Prince Edward Island... the pinnacle of summer leiesure... you come here. Or build your Summer home. What a life !!! ?What better way to get away from the toils of life than to be here. .... and to build a Summer home. Summer back in the states were a swealter before air conditioning ... to play in the waves of PEI in the summer of a cool ocean breeze.

This is a magnificent building... resort... of history. What a place to be secluded and refresh your soul for a few months.

It's good to be the King !