Wednesday, December 28, 2011

postcards from Uncle Hargus #227


You never drink twice from the same stream.

Copyright MMXV ALL StoneBearTracks blog posts and photographs  ALL Rights reserved

Postcards for my buddy Pat. Glad to see you came through here. Postcards from Uncle Hargus Here at the Tracks of the StoneBear journey one of the cherished moments friends have is going out to the mailbox and and finding a postcard from Uncle Hargus. The art of letter writing is gone with this younger generation; they email or tweet or whatever. Nothing is better than getting a Postcard from a friend ! ALL of StoneBears friends Love to get a postcard from the journey. Nothing better speakes to a friend than to stop for a moment at the end of a day and share a few sacred moments... ?When was the last time you got something from a friend? ... that stopped during a day... and sent a message to you.... that says I'm thinking about you today while on a journey? Postcards are good. ?When was the last time you got a Postcard from a friend? maybe emails or tweets suffice for you. NOTHING is better than a Postcard from a friend. And as Uncle Hargus says... I'll see you on the beach,... or on the dark side of the moon. It's all about choices. 

You never drink twice from the same stream.

Copyright MMXV ALL StoneBearTracks blog posts and photographs  ALL Rights reserved