Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Middlebury, Vermont 1 #223

MARNE 48 # 1-223 / 2-224 /3-222

Saturday August 6, 2011

Middlebury , Vermont 1

University / college town

After stoping in Montpelier to see the capitol -- a magnificent building and equally interesting history--going back to pre- revolutionary war, ... the Green Mountain boys. Headed south on hwy 7 through Vermont viewing the Green Mountains a couple miles to the east. Cool fresh air and great mountain views. ... Vermont is a unique place

I always like college towns. there;s usually some old architechture that dates the town a couple hundred years. there's usually a good library, in addition to the really good reasearch library on campus.... inquisitive minds roam these territories.... they are welcome here.... they are nurtured. ... This is a good place ! John Deere invented his steel plow here.

Even before getting to the town was interesting. Had to stop and take pix of the old Methodist church.... circa 1790? Then a short block away was the hill looking down into the town square. The Friendship house on the right where we parked on the street... originaly for students... circa 1790... marble steps to the front door.... Granite stone masonery buildings built 200+ years ago. This is a neat place !.

Post office on the right,... mailed a few postcards back home to friends. 20 yards down the street is a bridge... under the street... Railroad tracks... and a train comes through Middlebury. Brick buildings line the street. a local hippie / progressive bookstore by the RR tracks... an alley beside leads down the hill to a circus tent.... it's the local farmers market today. Let's go see.

Local farmers,... ranchers that raise livestock with cuts of organic meat. ... farmers plenty of fresh picked vegtables... Organic farmers... really good. A lot of college age students, local residents shopping for fresh healthy meat and vegetables.

Adjacent to the left is the town falls. The Middlebury river flows right through the center of town and there's these fantastic falls. After the farmers market, had to walk across the footbridge and get a closer look at the falls. realy neat granite rock all around. The granite quaries here are world famous.

T-bird walk along the river bank and finds "river glass"... like sea glass... broken shards of glass rubbed smooth from the erosion of the sand and surf... on here it's river glass. ... and she finds some neat pieces; this nank wasn't worked and there's a lot of pieces.

I go up to the falls... loud roar... there's a LOT of flow to this river. This is under the main street bridge, right in the heart of downtown Middlebury. There are adjacent old brick buildings next to the waterfall. Buildings from 200 years back... foundations and brickwork has been cobbled in in places.... maybe some old mill buildings a hundred years ago.

The roar of the falls is deafening... a LOT of water / stream flowing. cool /... mist.... it's pretty good.

Mud banks... big outcroppings of granite...

we walk back up through town and go past and through many unique business'/ A library stop to check email. back down main street and a tuck back to the right... the town square... veterans memorial statue... but more impressive are the churches... the episcopalian,... baptist.... across the street are inns/ Bed and breakfast houses.. the inns are 200+ years in business. Middlebury college is world famous ; this would be a great place for a student!

Middlebury is a wonderful place for history.... I could spend a week here seeing everything.

MARNE 48 # 1-223 / 2-224 /3-222

Saturday August 6, 2011

Middlebury , Vermont 1

University / college town

After stoping in Montpelier to see the capitol -- a magnificent building and equally interesting history--going back to pre- revolutionary war, ... the Green Mountain boys. Headed south on hwy 7 through Vermont viewing the Green Mountains a couple miles to the east. Cool fresh air and great mountain views. ... Vermont is a unique place

I always like college towns. there;s usually some old architechture that dates the town a couple hundred years. there's usually a good library, in addition to the really good reasearch library on campus.... inquisitive minds roam these territories.... they are welcome here.... they are nurtured. ... This is a good place ! John Deere invented his steel plow here.

Even before getting to the town was interesting. Had to stop and take pix of the old Methodist church.... circa 1790? Then a short block away was the hill looking down into the town square. The Friendship house on the right where we parked on the street... originaly for students... circa 1790... marble steps to the front door.... Granite stone masonery buildings built 200+ years ago. This is a neat place !.

Post office on the right,... mailed a few postcards back home to friends. 20 yards down the street is a bridge... under the street... Railroad tracks... and a train comes through Middlebury. Brick buildings line the street. a local hippie / progressive bookstore by the RR tracks... an alley beside leads down the hill to a circus tent.... it's the local farmers market today. Let's go see.

Local farmers,... ranchers that raise livestock with cuts of organic meat. ... farmers plenty of fresh picked vegtables... Organic farmers... really good. A lot of college age students, local residents shopping for fresh healthy meat and vegetables.

Adjacent to the left is the town falls. The Middlebury river flows right through the center of town and there's these fantastic falls. After the farmers market, had to walk across the footbridge and get a closer look at the falls. realy neat granite rock all around. The granite quaries here are world famous.

T-bird walk along the river bank and finds "river glass"... like sea glass... broken shards of glass rubbed smooth from the erosion of the sand and surf... on here it's river glass. ... and she finds some neat pieces; this nank wasn't worked and there's a lot of pieces.

I go up to the falls... loud roar... there's a LOT of flow to this river. This is under the main street bridge, right in the heart of downtown Middlebury. There are adjacent old brick buildings next to the waterfall. Buildings from 200 years back... foundations and brickwork has been cobbled in in places.... maybe some old mill buildings a hundred years ago.

The roar of the falls is deafening... a LOT of water / stream flowing. cool /... mist.... it's pretty good.

Mud banks... big outcroppings of granite...

we walk back up through town and go past and through many unique business'/ A library stop to check email. back down main street and a tuck back to the right... the town square... veterans memorial statue... but more impressive are the churches... the episcopalian,... baptist.... across the street are inns/ Bed and breakfast houses.. the inns are 200+ years in business. Middlebury college is world famous ; this would be a great place for a student!

Middlebury is a wonderful place for history.... I could spend a week here seeing everything.