Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Caribou - Munro 31/ 32 #206

MARNE 31/ 32 # 206

Wednsday / Thursday July 20 /21, 2011

Caribou - Munro Provincial Park

Pictou, Nova Scotia

Caribou - Munro park / camp is actually about 4 miles from Pictou, Nova Scotia. ... and about 1/4 mile from the ferry to PEI.

After spending a day in Pictou, to camp right on the shore -- 30 yards off of the Northmberland strait was great. At dusk T-bird fixed some olive oile w/ garlic and bread while I sit at the picnic table in a light ocean breeze and write todays journal entry.

The next door camper has soft irish/ maritime music of ballads playing in their camp. The guy comes over and asks if it's too loud. Imagine that in the states. I said... actually, it's very peaceful, soothing,... very nice, ... and thanked him. conciencious Canadian neighbors; they're good people! Next morning they were digging for clams on the beach.

At dusk I could see the ferry leaving for PEI. This is the ferry we'll catch tommorrow. It runs every 2-3 hours so we didn't make reservations and book passage to PEI; we'll just show up and hope for space avalable passage. Rotisserie chicken and salad tonight-- good!

Next morning, sunrise on the Northmberland strait is overcast... and beautiful. We'll catch the afternoon ferry, so head back down to Pictou for last minute supplies-- it's a nice town to visit.

Stop at the circle, supermarket for some salad perishables.... out to the Veterans memorial by the circle. The Canadian Veterans sure rose to the occasion... They did the maritime escort duty for the Navy convoys going across the North Atlantic in WWII. MANY of the Canadian Veterans gave ALL !!! I'm glad they were our allies. They brought their knowledge and experience of hundreds of years of to the front and did a difficult job in harsh conditions on those destroyers and submarine hunters; they are my heros!!!

Down to the Pictou docks for a last few minutes of fishing. T-bird caught some makerel for dinner. A seal in the harbor. Time to go. 2pm , head back out to the ferry; we'll be boarding the MV Belfast to PEI.

MARNE 31/ 32 # 206

Wednsday / Thursday July 20 /21, 2011

Caribou - Munro Provincial Park

Pictou, Nova Scotia

Caribou - Munro park / camp is actually about 4 miles from Pictou, Nova Scotia. ... and about 1/4 mile from the ferry to PEI.

After spending a day in Pictou, to camp right on the shore -- 30 yards off of the Northmberland strait was great. At dusk T-bird fixed some olive oile w/ garlic and bread while I sit at the picnic table in a light ocean breeze and write todays journal entry.

The next door camper has soft irish/ maritime music of ballads playing in their camp. The guy comes over and asks if it's too loud. Imagine that in the states. I said... actually, it's very peaceful, soothing,... very nice, ... and thanked him. conciencious Canadian neighbors; they're good people! Next morning they were digging for clams on the beach.

At dusk I could see the ferry leaving for PEI. This is the ferry we'll catch tommorrow. It runs every 2-3 hours so we didn't make reservations and book passage to PEI; we'll just show up and hope for space avalable passage. Rotisserie chicken and salad tonight-- good!

Next morning, sunrise on the Northmberland strait is overcast... and beautiful. We'll catch the afternoon ferry, so head back down to Pictou for last minute supplies-- it's a nice town to visit.

Stop at the circle, supermarket for some salad perishables.... out to the Veterans memorial by the circle. The Canadian Veterans sure rose to the occasion... They did the maritime escort duty for the Navy convoys going across the North Atlantic in WWII. MANY of the Canadian Veterans gave ALL !!! I'm glad they were our allies. They brought their knowledge and experience of hundreds of years of to the front and did a difficult job in harsh conditions on those destroyers and submarine hunters; they are my heros!!!

Down to the Pictou docks for a last few minutes of fishing. T-bird caught some makerel for dinner. A seal in the harbor. Time to go. 2pm , head back out to the ferry; we'll be boarding the MV Belfast to PEI.