Thursday, September 1, 2011

Souris 1 , PEI 117

MARNE 35 #117

July 24, 2011

Souris, PEI -Prince Edward Island, Canada

Souris 1

Souris... pronounced Sore- - ee is a maginficent place on the East end of Prince Edward Island - PEI.

We had to run up through the interior of PEI to get to an Irving Station to refuel the propane tank. Propane refueling points are not common. Starting out from Panmure Island Provincial Park, Gaspereux, PEI there was a detour.... and had to drive some of the interior roads of PEI. Beautiful farm country. No traffic... I like that.

Made it to Souris by noon and fueled up before Irving closed. Back down to a bottleneck road on the entry to Souris w/ beach on each side of the road.... watched the wing surfers.. the para sailors.. on the bay. Wind is 30+... really stiff and the chute surfers... wing surfers are having a ball. Havent seen surfurs like this since on the Columbia River in Oregon.

And saw the ferry / ship -- MV Madeleine -- coming into port .... about 5 miles out Had to rush down to the Souris docks to see this.

This is the ferry / ship that runs daily to the isle de las madeleine.

Also see Souris 2 and 3 posts

MARNE 35 #117

July 24, 2011

Souris, PEI -Prince Edward Island, Canada

Souris 1

Souris... pronounced Sore- - ee is a maginficent place on the East end of Prince Edward Island - PEI.

We had to run up through the interior of PEI to get to an Irving Station to refuel the propane tank. Propane refueling points are not common. Starting out from Panmure Island Provincial Park, Gaspereux, PEI there was a detour.... and had to drive some of the interior roads of PEI. Beautiful farm country. No traffic... I like that.

Made it to Souris by noon and fueled up before Irving closed. Back down to a bottleneck road on the entry to Souris w/ beach on each side of the road.... watched the wing surfers.. the para sailors.. on the bay. Wind is 30+... really stiff and the chute surfers... wing surfers are having a ball. Havent seen surfurs like this since on the Columbia River in Oregon.

And saw the ferry / ship -- MV Madeleine -- coming into port .... about 5 miles out Had to rush down to the Souris docks to see this.

This is the ferry / ship that runs daily to the isle de las madeleine.

Also see Souris 2 and 3 posts