Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Whitehall 2 48 #176

MARNE 48 / 49

Wednsday August 10, 2011

Whitehall, New York 2 -- Upstate

Heading back home after the journey up to Newfoundland, going up was along the coastal eastern Maine route. coming back we wanted to see some of the woodland northeast,... so we drove across the back roads of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont,... and - Upstate - New York.

We met and talked with some - Upstate- New York people... good salt of the earth folks. Leaving Rutland, Vermont late afternoon heading west on hwy 4west and made it to Whitehall, NY. ... about 5 miles past the Vermont / New York state line. This is Upstate NY.

Every place ... town and village... had tons of historical sites and tales. The early formation of the United States.... it started up in this region; thus... there's plenty of old colonial buildings and architecture. The local historical organizations preserved some significant places... and the general flavor of each town had a history dating back to the American revolution. Very interesting town and villages. The farms/ barns were old and unique.

Unique.... The harbor...this is the southern port of Lake Champlain... like the town... seems "tired". It's been decades,... if not a century since any inovation or progressive thinking was in this place. You look around and it visually smells of stagnant river.

The lift or lower boats onto Lake champlain is the centerpiece of the town. An old iron bridge across the river is the main transit point here. It overlooks the lock,... then a left/ right turn onto the main drag of Whitehall. A few blocks each way.

The old marble mansion -- Skeen Manor-- on the high above cliffs is the tourist site of the town.... A founder of the town? No, that was British Capt. Skeen in 1759. Judge Potter built the manor house late 19th century. Whitehall was a main trade route-- up through Lake Champlaine -- up to Canada as an early shipping lane.

We camped at the marina RV park.... and were told it had flooded the previous spring. ?How does a river, with alock... flood? -- See Whitehall 2 post for the RV park --

Between the marina and RV park there was a small building that had a weekly arts program. Walking by I could see a person on a lighted stage and the audience would laugh some.

Whitehall has historical plaques of the birthplace of the US Navy ; General Benedict Arnold... yes that Benedict Arnold... before he was deemed a traitor,... commisioned 3 boats built in 1776 in this harbor during the American revolution which were sunk or damage in the battle of Valcor island -- an Island on Lake Champlain. I saw no official US Navy recognition or plaques here but you could tell this 350 year old , tired town had seen some of the early colonial era / revoulutionary war history. There was a Veterans park / monument along the river honoring the towns Veterans.

The guys at the lock were squared away and proffessional. Considered fishing some... but there were warnings on fish from locks above stream... toxic waste runnof and high metal content/ pcb stuff. I passed... and was glad to head west.

MARNE 48 # 176

Wednsday August 10, 2011

Whitehall, New York 2 -- Upstate

Heading back home after the journey up to Newfoundland, going up was along the coastal eastern Maine route. coming back we wanted to see some of the woodland northeast,... so we drove across the back roads of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont,... and - Upstate - New York.

We met and talked with some - Upstate- New York people... good salt of the earth folks. Leaving Rutland, Vermont late afternoon heading west on hwy 4west and made it to Whitehall, NY. ... about 5 miles past the Vermont / New York state line. This is Upstate NY.

Every place ... town and village... had tons of historical sites and tales. The early formation of the United States.... it started up in this region; thus... there's plenty of old colonial buildings and architecture. The local historical organizations preserved some significant places... and the general flavor of each town had a history dating back to the American revolution. Very interesting town and villages. The farms/ barns were old and unique.

Unique.... The harbor...this is the southern port of Lake Champlain... like the town... seems "tired". It's been decades,... if not a century since any inovation or progressive thinking was in this place. You look around and it visually smells of stagnant river.

The lift or lower boats onto Lake champlain is the centerpiece of the town. An old iron bridge across the river is the main transit point here. It overlooks the lock,... then a left/ right turn onto the main drag of Whitehall. A few blocks each way.

The old marble mansion -- Skeen Manor-- on the high above cliffs is the tourist site of the town.... A founder of the town? No, that was British Capt. Skeen in 1759. Judge Potter built the manor house late 19th century. Whitehall was a main trade route-- up through Lake Champlaine -- up to Canada as an early shipping lane.

We camped at the marina RV park.... and were told it had flooded the previous spring. ?How does a river, with alock... flood? -- See Whitehall 2 post for the RV park --

Between the marina and RV park there was a small building that had a weekly arts program. Walking by I could see a person on a lighted stage and the audience would laugh some.

Whitehall has historical plaques of the birthplace of the US Navy ; General Benedict Arnold... yes that Benedict Arnold... before he was deemed a traitor,... commisioned 3 boats built in 1776 in this harbor during the American revolution which were sunk or damage in the battle of Valcor island -- an Island on Lake Champlain. I saw no official US Navy recognition or plaques here but you could tell this 350 year old , tired town had seen some of the early colonial era / revoulutionary war history. There was a Veterans park / monument along the river honoring the towns Veterans.

The guys at the lock were squared away and proffessional. Considered fishing some... but there were warnings on fish from locks above stream... toxic waste runnof and high metal content/ pcb stuff. I passed... and was glad to head west.