Saturday, September 3, 2011

Fredericton Christ Church Cathedral 2 #126

MARNE 41 #126

Saturday July 30, 2011

Fredericton , New Brunswick Canada

Christ Church Cathedral 2 (different pix)

Driving up the north side of the St Johns river in the rain, visability was limited coming in the back/ North side of the city.

Then stopping at a city park for a picnic samich was the 1st look at Fredericton, New Brunswick.

You could see the steeple from our 1st stop at the Fort Nashwaak park on the North side of the St Johns river. Fredericton skyline was distinct.... You knew there was some history and stories here. ...and that steeple.

I knew I had to search for this on the other side of the river.

After driving across the bridge, into downtown New Brunswick, Left on Queen st... interesting urban. Sidewalk cafe's. on down .... pix of the back of the parlament building and old victorian house that is now a govt office.

A couple of blocks on down and there it is. Oh my god....let's stop.

I've got to take some pix of this.

About a 2 square block lawn ringed by huge 100 year old oak trees.... and in the center... there it is.

It's named Christ Chruch Cathedral. It IS a cathedral! A magnificent building... steeple rises maybe 150' in the air. I can't get the whole building... the main base chapel AND steeple in the same picture frame. I have to take a picture of the base... the main building; then have to take a separate pic of the steeple.

I have to go inside and see this.

Inside is humbleing.... stops you in your tracks. Now THIS is a church; A real Cathedral. Christ Church Cathedral is the cathedral church of the Anglican Diocese . ... the Church of England.

When I go into a town... you can tell a lot of the city history from the physical architechture... AND the church buildings. The churches have a lot to do with why and how the town evolved and developed.... independent of the religion / religious doctrines. Here at Tracks of the StoneBear we tend to emphasise on a spiritual walk rather than religious doctrine and dogma.

Back in the states, I see these modern cube / box buildings... some of the newer ones are metal - Butler buildings-... and I wonder... ?Just what is it that they worship in there? I'm sure they would tell me the physical building is not what their worship is about; Ooooo K ! don't serve me spam and tell me it's a steak; I know better.

Anyway, this is a magnificent cathedral.

Taking in the wonder of this wonderful palace..... and a guy walks to the back and we speak.... I don't remember who was the 1st to recognise... but it immediatly was asked ?What part of the South are you from? Alabama.... ?What part? Birmingham. Well, my family is from Calhoun County. I know that is Anniston / Oxford / Piedmont.... Jacksonville State territory. Cheaha mountain is the highest point in Alabama ... 2405' elev... been there many times ; it's the foothills of the Appalachians.

Well, we talk some. I don't know who is more refreshed to hear southern speak / talk.

The reason he asked about us is because he was working. Hank is the "Verger" of Christ Church Cathedral. His job is to arrange everything going on concerning the church. Weddings... which he was in the middle of final arrangements that would take place in a couple of hours.... to funerals.... building mainenence / repairs.... ect... Hank does everything but the preachin'.

Since we're Alabama / southern folk and speak the language... Hank gives us the little extra special tour for a few extra minutes around the sanctuary. His knowledge of the building and it's history is like a graduate 600 level history class. Really good!!! And all the little known facts that most don't hear.

It was a real treat to meet Hank and get a graduate 600 level history of this church! We had to let Hank go back to work to tend to a wedding that afternoon. Fredricton was a treat to see; listening to Hank was the real treasure. ( Hank williams from Alabama )

Also see Christ Church Cathedral 1 post. Also see Fredericton Sunset post.

MARNE 41 #126

Saturday July 30, 2011

Fredericton , New Brunswick Canada

Christ Church Cathedral 2

Driving up the north side of the St Johns river in the rain, visability was limited coming into the back / North side of the city.

Then stopping at a city park for a picnic samich was the 1st look at Fredericton, New Brunswick.

You could see the steeple from our 1st stop at the Fort Nashwaak park on the North side of the St Johns river. Fredericton skyline was distinct.... You knew there was some history and stories here. ...and that steeple.

I knew I had to search for this on the other side of the river.

After driving across the bridge, into downtown New Brunswick, Left on Queen st... interesting urban. Sidewalk cafe's. on down .... pix of the back of the parlament building and old victorian house that is now a govt office.

A couple of blocks on down and there it is.

Oh my god....let's stop. I've got to take some pix of this. About a 2 square block lawn ringed by huge 100 year old oak trees.... and in the center... there it is. It's named Christ Chruch Cathedral. It IS a cathedral!

A magnificent building... steeple rises maybe 150' in the air. I can't get the whole building... the main base chapel AND steeple in the same picture frame. I have to take a picture of the base... the main building; then have to take a separate pic of the steeple.

I have to go inside and see this.

Inside is humbleing.... stops you in your tracks. Now THIS is a church; A real Cathedral. Christ Church Cathedral is the cathedral church of the Anglican Diocese . ... the Church of England.

When I go into a town... you can tell a lot of the city history from the physical architechture... AND the church buildings. The churches have a lot to do with why and how the town evolved and developed.... independent of the religion / religeous doctrines. Here at Tracks of the StoneBear we tend to emphasise on a spiritual walk rather than relegious doctrine and dogma.

Back in the states, I see these modern cube / box buildings... some of the newer ones are metal - Butler buildings-... they have "bands"... w/ drums and guitars... and I wonder... ?Just what is it that they worship in there? I'm sure they would tell me the physical building is not what their worship is about; Ooooo K ! don't serve me spam , and tell me it's a steak; I know better.

Anyway, this is a magnificent cathedral.

Taking in the wonder of this wonderful palace..... and a guy walks to the back and we speak.... I don't remember who was the 1st to recognise... but it immediatly was asked ?What part of the South are you from? Alabama.... ?What part? Birmingham. Well, my family is from Calhoun County. I know that is Anniston / Oxford / Piedmont.... Jacksonville State territory. Cheaha mountain is the highest point in Alabama ... 2405' elev... been there many times ; it's the foothills of the Appalachians.

Well, we talk some. I don'tknow who is more refreshed to hear southern speak / talk.

The reason he asked about us is because he was working. Hank is the "Verger" of Christ Church Cathedral. His job is to arrange everything going on concerning the church. Weddings... which he was in the middle of final arrangements that would take place in a couple of hours.... to funerals.... building mainenence / repairs.... ect... Hank does everything but the preachin'.

Since we're Alabama / southern folk and speak the language... Hank gives us the little extra special tour for a few extra minutes around the sanctuary. His knowledge of the building and it's history is like a graduate 600 level history class. Really good!!! And all the little known facts that most don't hear.

It was a real treat to meet Hank and get a graduate 600 level history of this church! We had to let Hank go back to work to tend to a wedding that afternoon. Fredricton was a treat to see; listening to Hank was the real treasure. ( Hank Williams from Alabama )

Also see Christ Church Cathedral 1 post. Also see Fredericton Sunset post.