Thursday, September 1, 2011

Fredricton, New Brunswick 1 #120

MARNE 41 #120

Saturday July 30, 2011

Fredericton, New Brunswick 1 Canada

Fredericton turns out to be one of my favorite stops / places on this journey. Fredricton is a really unique city. The history, the people, ... the geography, architechture, atmosphere... an amazing place.

This will take several posts as there is so many interesting places and people to cover.

Driving up the back road along the St John river we came in on the backside of Fredericton... maybe the most scenic. Stopping at a city park on the St John river for a picnic samich, the outline of Fredericton proper is across the river. Turns out, this is a real significant place. We just passed over the Nashwaaak river where the early french fort was built.

The history here was very brutal in the colonial era when England and France basicly moved their ongoing wars to the North American continet -- specificly in the Maritimes of Nova Scotia, PEI - Prince Edward Island- New Brunswick, and most of this region. ie...

*** from wikipedia

St. John River Campaign
Main article: St. John River Campaign
Colonel Robert Monckton led a force of 1150 British soldiers to destroy the Acadian settlements along the banks of the Saint John River until they reached the largest village of Sainte-Anne des Pays-Bas (present day Fredericton, New Brunswick) in February 1759.[46] Monckton was accompanied by New England Rangers led by Joseph Goreham, Captain Benoni Danks, Moses Hazen and George Scott.[47] The British started at the bottom of the river with raiding Kennebecais and Managoueche (City of St. John), where the British built Fort Frederick. Then they moved up the river and raided Grimross (Gagetown, New Brunswick), Jemseg, and finally they reached Sainte-Anne des Pays-Bas.[47]

Contrary to Governor Lawrence's direction, New England Ranger Lieutenant Hazen engaged in frontier warfare against the Acadians in what has become known as the "Ste Anne's Massacre". On 18 February 1759, Lieutenant Hazen and about fifteen men arrived at Sainte-Anne des Pays-Bas. The Rangers pillaged and burned the village of 147 buildings, two Mass-houses, besides all the barns and stables. The Rangers burned a large store-house, and with a large quantity of hay, wheat, peas, oats, etc., killing 212 horses, about 5 head of cattle, a large number of hogs and so forth. They also burned the church (located just west of Old Government House, Fredericton).[48]

As well, the rangers tortured and scalped six Acadians and took six prisoners.[48] There is a written record of one of the Acadian survivors Joseph Godin-Bellefontaine. He reported that the Rangers restrained him and then massacred his family in front of him. There are other primary sources that support his assertions.


There's a bridge going over to the main city.... another bridge... ?a RR bridge to the left / east. Huge church steeple rising above the trees... I have to go check this out.

T-bird walks the shoreline and comes up w/ a treasure trove of "river glass" ; the broken shards of glass rubbed raw in the eroding banks of shoreline of the St John river.

turns out... this is where I will come back to take some fantastic sunset pictures ot sunset at Fredericton... some of the best sunsets I;ve ever seen.

And later met a local "character" ... Charles , the local political gadfly. -- another post-- while taking sunset pix.

Time to go into the city and see what's there... across the bridge and down queen st, and begin.

Had to stop and start taking pix.... it was the back of the old provincial capital building... and it gets better.

MARNE 41 #120

Saturday July 30, 2011

Fredericton, New Brunswick 1 Canada

Fredericton turns out to be one of my favorite stops / places on this journey. Fredricton is a really unique city. The history, the people, ... the geography, architechture, atmosphere... an amazing place.

This will take several posts as there is so many interesting places and people to cover.

Driving up the back road along the St John river we came in on the backside of Fredericton... maybe the most scenic. Stopping at a city park on the St John river for a picnic samich, the outline of Fredericton proper is across the river. Turns out, this is a real significant place. We just passed over the Nashwaaak river where the early french fort was built.

There's a bridge going over to the main city.... another bridge... ?a RR bridge to the left / east. Huge church steeple rising above the trees... I have to go check this out.

T-bird walks the shoreline and comes up w/ a treasure trove of "river glass" ; the broken shards of glass rubbed raw in the eroding banks of shoreline of the St John river.

turns out... this is where I will come back to take some fantastic sunset pictures ot sunset at Fredericton... some of the best sunsets I;ve ever seen.

And later met a local "character" ... Charles , the local political gadfly. -- another post-- while taking sunset pix.

Time to go into the city and see what's there... across the bridge and down queen st, and begin.

Had to stop and start taking pix.... it was the back of the old provincial capital building... and it gets better.