Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Geography 101 #174

MARNE # 174



Geography 101

Actually Geography 101 was in high school. There was a Rand Mcnally world map on the wall with different colored / tinted countries and we basicly learned that there were 7 continents. That was it.

What I'm talking about is really the 1st introduction to geography in 1959 in Alabama grammar school; it was a scary ordeal.

The closest way to describe this was like the 2nd day at Parris Island, South Carolina in Platoon 333. In between agonizing PT -- Physical Training -- while waiting for the next god awful thing we had to run to... we waited in a rag- tag formation of boot jarheads. The DI, Sgt Taplin would walk by a boot recruit in a non- chalant manor, turn and pounce like a tiger on wounded prey and scream into the face....


Of course no one knew, had not time to remote learn these basic Marine requirements. While fumbling for some type of answer... which would be wrong; then you would begin -- PUSHUPS ! Ready, Begin. I'll tell you when I'm tired.

Now take the way-back machine to 1959 elementary school in Alabama. It was very similar.

The teacher would stroll through the row of desks. You silently prayed you would not be picked. Then the teacher would turn and pounce like a tiger yelling; ?WHAT'S THE CAPITOL OF NEBRASKA?

Of course, a 3rd grader would suffer the humiliating, fumbling answer of.... silence. It was the introduction of your Deer in the headlights look. ... your intorduction of terror.

At Parris Island when the DI turned, pounced, got in your face and screamed ?WHAT'S THE MUZZEL VELOCITY OF AN M- 14? ... I thought,...

I've dealt with this before.... these guys are pikers; I went through this in the 3rd grade in Alabama.