Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Schoodic peninsula 2 137

MARNE 13 138

Shcoodic Scenic Byway Maine

Sat July 2, 2011

Schoodic peninsula 2 (same text, different pix)

After seeing Acadia nat pk head out north up to see the rest the rest of the Maine coast... heading for Calais -- Cal- AY. NOT Cal-Sis as the locals called it. Will go into Canada at Calais, driving the coastal route US 1 east, then hwy 186 south/ east along the Schoodic peninsula.

Schoodic peninsula is a southern finger peninsula... 6 miles east of Acadia nat park. separated by eastern bay / frenchman bay... it is just as beautiful as Acadia. The drive down the Maine rocky, red granite coast w/ the ocean surf pounding away was really beautiful.

The Schoodic drive was somewhat more fun as there were less people ; most go to Acadia. So it was more pristene, isolated/ less traveled... exactly what the Stonebear prefers.

Here is the Stonebear litmus test:

Good: Less people, isolated, pristene, natural outdoors. sometimes preferably wilderness

Bad: hearing people on their cell phones, talking about something important in their life like shopping for ranch flavored potato chips.

You get the idea.

MARNE 13 137

Shcoodic Scenic Byway Maine

Sat July 2, 2011

Schoodic peninsula 2 (same text as Schoodic 1, different pix)

After seeing Arcadia nat pk head out north up to see the rest the rest of the Maine coast... heading for Calais -- Cal- AY. NOT Cal-Sis as the locals called it. Will go into Canada at Calais, driving the coastal route US 1 east, then hwy 186 south/ east along the Schoodic peninsula.

Schoodic penensula is a southern finger peninsula... 6 miles east of Acadia nat park. separated by eastern bay / frenchman bay... it is just as beautiful as Acadia. The drive down the Maine rocky, red granite coast w/ the ocean surf pounding away was really beautiful.

The Schoodic drive was somewhat more fun as there were less people ; most go to Acadia. So it was more pristene, isolated/ less traveled... exactly what the Stonebear prefers.

Here is the Stonebear litmus test:

Good: Less people, isolated, pristene, natural outdoors. sometimes preferably wilderness

Bad: hearing people on their cell phones, talking about something important in their life like shopping for ranch flavored potato chips.

You get the idea.