Friday, August 19, 2011

Green Point 24 #69

MARNE 24 # 69

Tuesday July 12, 2011

Green Point, Newfoundland

Green Point is not a town... a Campground in Gros Morne nat park about 10 miles north of Rocky Harbor and it's right on the ocean. It's about a 40 to 50' terrace that overlooks about a 2 mile cove beach. A lot of rock but there is little sand. It's 55* and humid, wind about 20+... and that's calm. There are Tuckamore trees here... pine trees / evergreen trees that are growth stunted by the wind erosion blowing them sideways. The limbs form a sideways growth... looks like a flag blowing in the wind. and they don't get very tall.

Looks more,... Like a Tuckamore,... to me.

It thundered and lightning last night. Ranger Hank said that hasn't happened since 1999 -- 12 years ago. ?Guess we brought some Alabama weather w/ us to Newfoundland. After coffee and oat gruel head down and walk along the beach.

Late morning, secure and head north up hwy 430 - the Viking trail- a few miles up the road come to St Pauls. At St Pauls inlet there's a big bridge and the inlet is to the right / east. The town pier / docks are there... nobody there today. Stop and fish some to see if we could catch some mackerel running. No luck. Saw a seal in the harbor. Seal may have made the mackerel steer clear.

Head north again. a few more miles up come to Cow Head, Newfoundland. A little more size of a town. There is a famous.... i guess famous for Newfoundland, community theater here. There is a theater festival in a couple of weeks.

Newfoundland is very interesting. A very rugged enviornment. Rugged people. the towns / villages/ settlements are small . I can envision a long, ... hard winter here in Cow Head... where sitting at the breakfast table you get that look and have to ask -- WHAT? from going stir crazy. So I guess theater becomes important here and is taken seriously.

MARNE 23 # 69

Tuesday July 12, 2011

Green Point, Newfoundland

Green Point is not a town... a Campground in Gros Morne nat park about 10 miles north of Rocky Harbor and it's righ on the ocean. It's about a 40 to 50' terrace that overlooks about a 2 mile cove beach. A lot of rock but there is little sand. It's 55* and humid, wind about 20+... and that's calm. There are Tuckamore trees here... pine trees / evergreen trees that are growth stunted by the wind erosion blowing them sideways. The limbs form a sideways growth... looks like a flag blowing in the wind. and they don't get very tall.

Looks more,... Like a Tuckamore,... to me.

It thundered and lightning last night. Ranger Hank said that hasn't happened since 1999 -- 12 years ago. ?Guess we brought some Alabama weather w/ us to Newfoundland. After coffee and oat gruel head down and walk along the beach.

Late morning, secure and head north up hwy 430 - the Viking trail- a few miles up the road come to St Pauls. At St Pauls inlet there's a big bridge and the inlet is to the right / east. The town pier / docks are there... nobody there today. Stop and fish some to see if we could catch some mackerel running. No luck. Saw a seal in the harbor. Seal may have made the mackerel steer clear.

Head north again. a few more miles up come to Cow Head, Newfoundland. A little more size of a town. There is a famous.... i guess famous for Newfoundland, community theater here. There is a theater festival in a couple of weeks.

Newfoundland is very interesting. A very rugged enviornment. Rugged people. the towns / villages/ settlements are small . I can envision a long, ... hard winter here in Cow Head... where sitting at the breakfast table you get that look and have to ask -- WHAT? from going stir crazy. So I guess theater becomes important here and is taken seriously.