Friday, August 19, 2011

Norris Point 1 23 #71

MARNE 24 # 71

Tuesday July 12, 2011

Norris Point, Newfoundland 1

Norris Point, Newfoundland... one of the more interesting places I've ever seen / experienced.

Rain / fog has moved in. Another typical maritime town / village.... Rugged place = rugged people.

Typical rain and fog while overlooking the harbor.... harsh weather..... and it's a calm day. We won't even talk about when it's winter.

To check email went over to the the basement. The building a former regional hospital... now a holistic healing center upstairs.

After email check... went over to Pittmans resturant. Pittmans are all over the place here. Pittmans construction, garage, motel, ect....

And at the pittmans resturaunt, while listening to Jeff Quilty,... broke my rule.

My rule is like the when in Rome rule. when in Kansas City... order the steak.... When in Pensacola... order the shrimp and oysters. When in San Francisco... order the chowder in sourdough bread.

Well... I lost a moment and thought my rule of order a cheeseburger would be ok. WRONG.... Bad choice.... When in Newfoundland.; Order The FISH !!!!

I had a cheesburger.... and fries , which saved the meal. The Cheeseburger.... had some taste.... meat that I had never experienced in my life and right now... I still shudder at the taste, It was something from another planet.... I don't know what it was... maybe.... moose... maybe beaver ... I don't know. but I do know it was the strangest thing I have ever tasted!!! I mean really strange.. Maybe .... I didn't ask enough questions.... It was surely my fault.

When you order a cheeseburger, you think you can't go wrong.... OOOOH contrair.

When in Newfoundland.... When in Norris Point.... ORDER THE FISH!!!!!!!!

I think this maybe was moose... a mooseburger .... which was advertised on some of the local resturaunt markees.. .... I will remember this cheesebureger from now on.

I will remember Norris point from now on.... ORDER THE FISH!!!!

When leaving the resturaunt... I see.... another family business.

MARNE 23 # 71

Tuesday July 12, 2011

Norris Point, Newfoundland 1

Norris Point, Newfoundland... one of the more interesting places I've ever seen / experienced. Rain / fog has moved in.

Another typical maritime town / village.... Rugged place = rugged people. Typical rain and fog while overlooking the harbor.... harsh weather..... and it's a calm day. We won't even talk about when it's winter.

To check email went over to the the basement. The building a former regional hospital... now a holistic healing center upstairs.

After email check... went over to Pittmans resturant. Pittmans are all over the place here. Pittmans construction, garage, motel, ect.... And at the pittmans resturaunt, while listening to Jeff Quilty,... broke my rule.

My rule is like the when in rome rule. when in Kansas City... order the steak.... When in Pensacola... order the shrimp and oysters. When in San Francisco... order the chowder in sourdough bread.

Well... I lost a moment and thought my rule of order a cheeseburger would be ok. WRONG.... Bad choice.... When in Newfoundland.; Order The FISH !!!!

I had a cheesburger.... and fries , which saved the meal. The Cheeseburger.... had some taste.... meat that I had never experienced in my life and right now... I still shudder at the taste, It was something from another planet....

I don't know what it was... maybe.... moose... maybe beaver... I don't know. but I do know it was the strangest thing I have ever tasted!!! I mean really strange.. Maybe .... I didn't ask enough questions.... It was surely my fault.

When you order a cheeseburger, you think you can't go wrong.... OOOOH contrair.

When in Newfoundland.... When in Norris Point.... ORDER THE FISH!!!!!!!! I think this maybe was moose... a mooseburger .... which was advertised on some othe local resturaunt markees.. .... I will remember this cheesebureger from now on.

I will remember Norris point from now on.... ORDER THE FISH!!!!

When leaving the resturaunt... I see.... another family business.