Monday, August 22, 2011

Antigonish 2, Nova Scotia 30 #93

MARNE 30 #93

Tuesday July 19, 2011

Antigonish, 2 Nova Scotia

After Newfoundland we drove the Cabot Trail on Cape Breton. North East Nova Scotia was amazing. Now it's head to PEI - Prince Edward Island.

Driving on the back roads of Nova Scotia, Hwy 4 and occasionally jumping back on TCH- Trans Canada Hwy 104... this Northumberland Shore drive is through the heart of Nova Scotia Acadia. The countryside and farms look quaint and beautiful . A very nice drive to Antigonish, NS.

The town museum is in the old train station. A neat old historyof Acadia. They're proud of their hockey teams!

The main drag through town had some neat architechure of buildings. The library was fairly new and local artists, including a lady artist doing stone relief artwork, contributed to making it a really pleasant place to visit. These small town libraries free internet service were the main communication link back to home and I thank all the library staffs; you serve your library patrons well ! Thank you.

The name Antigonish is of Mi'kmaq origin and is believed to refer to "The place where tree branches are torn off by bears gathering beech nuts".

The annual Antigonish Highland Games have been held since 1863. The first games were held to raise funds for the construction of St. Ninian's Cathedral.

MARNE 30 #93

Tuesday July 19, 2011

Antigonish 2, Nova Scotia

After Newfoundland we drove the Cabot Trail on Cape Breton. North East Nova Scotia was amazing. Now it's head to PEI - Prince Edward Island.

Driving on the back roads of Nova Scotia, Hwy 4 and occasionally jumping back on TCH- Trans Canada Hwy 104... this Northumberland Shore drive is through the heart of Nova Scotia Acadia. The countryside and farms look quaint and beautiful . A very nice drive to Antigonish, NS.

The town museum is in the old train station. A neat old historyof Acadia. They're proud of their hockey teams!

The main drag through town had some neat architechure of buildings. The library was fairly new and local artists, including a lady artist doing stone relief artwork, contributed to making it a really pleasant place to visit. These small town libraries free internet service were the main communication link back to home and I thank all the library staffs; you serve your library patrons well ! Thank you.

The name Antigonish is of Mi'kmaq origin and is believed to refer to "The place where tree branches are torn off by bears gathering beech nuts".

The annual Antigonish Highland Games have been held since 1863. The first games were held to raise funds for the construction of St. Ninian's Cathedral.