Sunday, August 21, 2011

Port aux Basques 3 Loading #83

MARNE 25 # 83

Thursday July 14, 2011

Port aux Basques , Newfoundland Loading ship

Late afternoon. Loading onto MV Blue Puttees

I love ships. As a 17 year old teenager working in the shipyards of Mobile, Alabama... ADDSCO Alabama DryDocks and shipbuilding company on Pinto Island.... I learned and came to love ships.

Working w/ the Cajuns.... worked as a Boilermaker / Ironworker putting on keel plates on ships in drydock. The humidity on Mobile bay approched 95 % some days - ungodly, and sweat where you'd see the salt in your shirts after work. It was an experience; a defining life moment... the whole summer! Became friends w/ the Cajuns... Willis, Sommervile, James, Boudrou, Jesse.... the hardest working guys I've ever seen. and when work was over.... buddy, they knew how to live. From the Cajuns... I observed / learned a rare taught life lesson; how to live in the moment! And I can tell you one of lifes great treats is to go out onto the causeway ,... drink pitchers of beer and have a seafood dinner at "The Blue Gill" . As they say in the South "It just don't git no better".

Loading onto the MV Blue Putees at Port aux Basques, Newfoundland.... to cross the North Sea-- the Cabot Straights-- back to North Sydney, Nova Scotia -- Cape Breton-- ... I'm excited this afternoon. Could have spent a month on Newfoundland... glad I got to see some of it. Time to go on ahead.

It's about 2;45 afternoon. grey high overcast sky. 55* wind 8 to 10.

Load onto #3 deck at 3;30. head up topside.

Can see the town / harbor of Port aux Basque in total now. The ramshakled / cobbled village... residential houses painted in bright bold colors... background is Gray rock... Gray overcast sky, gray sea,; they need some color in their life. Houses are really defined huddled together in neighborhoods.

Scout out ship on the next post.

MARNE 25 # 83

Thursday July 14, 2011

Port aux Basques , Newfoundland Loading ship

Late afternoon. Loading onto MV Blue Puttees

I love ships. As a 17 year old teenager working in the shipyards of Mobile, Alabama... ADDSCO Alabama DryDocks and shipbuilding company on Pinto Island.... I learned and came to love ships.

Working w/ the Cajuns.... worked as a Boilermaker / Ironworker putting on keel plates on ships in drydock. The humidity on Mobile bay approched 95 % some days - ungodly, and sweat where you'd see the salt in your shirts after work. It was an experience; a defining life moment... the whole summer! Became friends w/ the Cajuns... Willis, Sommervile, James, Boudrou, Jesse.... the hardest working guys I've ever seen. and when work was over.... buddy, they knew how to live. From the Cajuns... I observed / learned a rare taught life lesson; how to live in the moment! And I can tell you one of lifes great treats is to go out onto the causeway ,... drink pitchers of beer and have a seafood dinner at "The Blue Gill" . As they say in the South "It just don't git no better".

Loading onto the MV Blue Putees at Port aux Basques, Newfoundland.... to cross the North Sea-- the Cabot Straights-- back to North Sydney, Nova Scotia -- Cape Breton-- ... I'm excited this afternoon. Could have spent a month on Newfoundland... glad I got to see some of it. Time to go on ahead.

It's about 2;45 afternoon. grey high overcast sky. 55* wind 8 to 10.

Load onto #3 deck at 3;30. head up topside.

Can see the town / harbor of Port aux Basque in total now. The ramshakled / cobbled village... residential houses painted in bright bold colors... background is Gray rock... Gray overcast sky, gray sea,; they need some color in their life. Houses are really defined huddled together in neighborhoods.

Scout out ship on the next post.