Friday, August 19, 2011

Trout River, Newfoundland 2 Docks #73

MARNE 24 #73

Wed July 13, 2011

Trout River 2, NewFoundland -- some different text - Gros Morne National Park Canada

Trout River, Newfoundland is the real, raw working -fishing- harbor... It's a hard enviornment. Hard working people. Hard life.

Driving there today in the rain / view , but amazing place. It's time to start heading south to Port Aux Basque and catch a ship back to North Sydney, Nova Scotia.

So today will take some side-outs to see some more of Newfoundland. At Wiltondale turn west on Hwy 431 and head out to see Woody Point.

At Woody Point, NFLD on Bonne Bay you can see Norris Point... originaly called North Point and over the years became "Norris" from slang.

Some of the mountains here are 2,100' elev. Scenic / dramatic this close to the coast. You get there and see that it's a hard enviornment.

Hard working people. Hard life. This is the real working docks of fishermen in Newfoundland. NOT pretty docks w/ pleasure boats... these are the guys that go to sea to fish!

I keep mentioning on this journey that in these places life is ruled and lived by the tides. That place is here; this is what it looks like.

It's overcast gloomy, rain, fog... and this is July.

You can imagine how hard the winter is here when you see the fireplace wood cut and stacked in preparation.

Also see Trout River 1 and for more pix of the docks/ warf -- Trout River 3

MARNE 24 #73

Wed July 13, 2011

Trout River, NewFoundland -- some different text - Gros Morne National Park Canada

Trout River, Newfoundland is the real, raw working -fishing- harbor... It's a hard enviornment. Hard working people. Hard life.

Driving there today in the rain / view , but amazing place. It's time to start heading south to Port Aux Basque and catch a ship back to North Sydney, Nova Scotia.

So today will take some side-outs to see some more of Newfoundland. At Wiltondale turn west on Hwy 431 and head out to see Woody Point.

At Woody Point, NFLD on Bonne Bay you can see Norris Point... originaly called North Point and over the years became "Norris" from slang.

Some of the mountains here are 2,100' elev. Scenic / dramatic this close to the coast. You get there and see that it's a hard enviornment. Hard working people. Hard life.

This is the real working docks of fishermen in Newfoundland. NOT pretty docks w/ pleasure boats... these are the guys that go to sea to fish!

I keep mentioning on this journey that in these places life is ruled and lived by the tides. That place is here; this is what it looks like.

It's overcast gloomy, rain, fog... and this is July. You can imagine how hard the winter is here when you see the fireplace wood cut and stacked in preparation.

Also see Trout River 1 and for more pix of the docks/ warf -- Trout River 3