Friday, August 19, 2011

Western Brook Pond #70

MARNE 23 #70

Tuesday July 12, 2011

Western Brook Pond, Gros Morne National Park Newfoundland

If there was ever a beautiful place on earth.... it is here. It is beyond description.

*** wikipedia

The Western Brook Pond is a Canadian fjord or lake located in Gros Morne National Park on the west coast of the island of Newfoundland. It is in the Long Range Mountains, the most northern section of the Appalachian Mountains.

It is surrounded by steep rock walls 600 m (2,000 ft) high.[1], having been carved from the surrounding plateau by glaciers. After the glaciers melted, the land rebounded and the fjord was cut off from the sea. Salty water was eventually flushed from the fjord leaving it fresh. The catchment area is composed of igneous rock with relatively thin soil, so the waters feeding Western Brook Pond are low in nutrients and the lake is classified as ultraoligotrophic.[1] It is fed by Stag Brook at the extreme eastern end of the lake and by numerous waterfalls cascading from the plateau above. One of these, Pissing Mare Falls at 350 m (1,150 ft), is one of the highest in eastern North America.

The lake is accessible by a moderate-easy 3 km (1.9 mi) hiking trail over coastal bogs and low limestone ridges. ***

From the origin point at the parking lot you can see the V shaped valley opening of the glacier drag... the opening where the glacier drug through the mountains on their way to the sea. The Glacier lake is about a 2 mile hike to where there are boat tours of the lake.... $56 for the tour. You can hike up on the ridges ; cost 0.. zero... and the view is beyond description.

MARNE 23 #70

Tuesday July 12, 2011

Western Brook Pond, Gros Morne National Park Newfoundland

If there was ever a beautiful place on earth.... it is here. It is beyond description.

*** wikipedia

The Western Brook Pond is a Canadian fjord or lake located in Gros Morne National Park on the west coast of the island of Newfoundland. It is in the Long Range Mountains, the most northern section of the Appalachian Mountains.

It is surrounded by steep rock walls 600 m (2,000 ft) high.[1], having been carved from the surrounding plateau by glaciers. After the glaciers melted, the land rebounded and the fjord was cut off from the sea. Salty water was eventually flushed from the fjord leaving it fresh. The catchment area is composed of igneous rock with relatively thin soil, so the waters feeding Western Brook Pond are low in nutrients and the lake is classified as ultraoligotrophic.[1] It is fed by Stag Brook at the extreme eastern end of the lake and by numerous waterfalls cascading from the plateau above. One of these, Pissing Mare Falls at 350 m (1,150 ft), is one of the highest in eastern North America.

The lake is accessible by a moderate-easy 3 km (1.9 mi) hiking trail over coastal bogs and low limestone ridges. ***

From the origin point at the parking lot you can see the V shaped valley opening of the glacier drag... the opening where the glacier drug through the mountains on their way to the sea. The Glacier lake is about a 2 mile hike to where there are boat tours of the lake.... $56 for the tour. You can hike up on the ridges ; cost 0.. zero... and the view is beyond description.