Sunday, August 21, 2011

Port aux Basques to the docks # 82

MARNE 25 # 82

Thursday July 14, 2011

Port aux Basques, Newfoundland 2

To the docks

Getting down to the port / docks for the trip back across the North sea... the Cabot Straights... to North Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia.

We get a view of Port uax Basques... the last view driving around in the cobbled together town... wind through the roads cut through the gray sandstone....

This place rocks! It is a ROCK!!! The island is composed of a great variety of Paleozoic rocks of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic origin This is what's left after a millenia and ions of time eroding by water and ice on a grand scale here.

The people are just as hard as rock to live here. They know how to hunker down for a winter. Look at the piles of cordwood stacked up...Think of a long winter.... and sports. If you want to play Hockey... you better buckle your chin strap when you come here.

Wind around through the town & head for the docks... you can see the pier a half mile away.

It's not a real spread out place here; It's tight.

Port aux Basques refers to the harbour that was a favoured sheltering and watering place for Basque whalers who hailed from the Basque region of the Pyrenees of France and Spain during the early 16th century. After leaving the harbour the whalers either proceeded to the main whaling grounds off southern Labrador, or headed home to the Basque country.

Head for the docks at 2;45 to board MV Blue Puttees.... named for the famous Royal Newgoundland Regiment "The Blue Puttees". I met and talked w/ a veteran of the Blue Puttees in Rocky Harbor; a real squared away guy!

Roads cut into the gray sedimentary rock... fantastic.

MARNE 25 # 82

Thursday July 14, 2011

Port aux Basques, Newfoundland 2

To the docks

Getting down to the port / docks for the trip back across the North sea... the Cabot Straights... to North Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia.

We get a view of Port uax Basques... the last view driving around in the cobbled together town... wind through the roads cut through the gray sandstone....

This place rocks! It is a ROCK!!! The island is composed of a great variety of Paleozoic rocks of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic origin This is what's left after a millenia and ions of time eroding by water and ice on a grand scale here.

The people are just as hard as rock to live here. They know how to hunker down for a winter. Look at the piles of cordwood stacked up...Think of a long winter.... and sports. If you want to play Hockey... you better buckle your chin strap when you come here.

Wind around through the town & head for the docks... you can see the pier a half mile away.

It's not a real spread out place here; It's tight.

Port aux Basques refers to the harbour that was a favoured sheltering and watering place for Basque whalers who hailed from the Basque region of the Pyrenees of France and Spain during the early 16th century. After leaving the harbour the whalers either proceeded to the main whaling grounds off southern Labrador, or headed home to the Basque country.

Head for the docks at 2;45 to board MV Blue Puttees.... named for the famous Royal Newgoundland Regiment "The Blue Puttees". I met and talked w/ a veteran of the Blue Puttees in Rocky Harbor; a real squared away guy!

Roads cut into the gray sedimentary rock... fantastic.